FLASS is a big family that contains academic staff, researchers, and administrative staff. As an unofficial tradition, FLASS holds a Christmas gathering every year to celebrate the season as well as to exchange good wishes and have fun.

Professor Li Wai-keung, Dean of FLASS, thanks the faculty and departmental management colleagues, and administrative staff for their diligent work and contributions to the faculty throughout 2023.

Professor Li shows his great appreciation to Dr Thomas Tam Cheung-on, who has stepped down from his post as the Head of CCA in February 2024, for his contributions to the faculty.
It is an unofficial tradition that FLASS holds a Christmas gathering every year to celebrate the season as well as to exchange good wishes and have fun. This year, members of faculty and departmental management teams and administrative staff gathered at a hotel in East Tsim Sha Tsui on 11 December 2023 to celebrate Christmas together with a sumptuous lunch.
The gathering began with Professor Li Wai-keung, Dean of FLASS, thanking the faculty and departmental management colleagues, and administrative staff for their continued efforts in finishing all the tasks and achieving all the goals throughout 2023. He also took the opportunity to show his great appreciation to Dr Thomas Tam Cheung-on for his contributions to the faculty. Dr Thomas Tam was the Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement) of the faculty between 1 August 2017 and 31 December 2021.
Besides academic and management works, Dr Thomas Tam enjoyed his highly successful career as a ceramic artist and has an unyielding passion in nurturing the next generation to open their hearts to appreciate different forms of arts. He took the post as the Head of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts on 2 February 2021. He has stepped down from the post on 1 February 2024.
When the most joyful season of the year is approaching, it means the end of year is right around the corner. When 2023 was nearing its end, it was the perfect time for academic and administrative staff to count their blessings, recall memorable moments, exchange good wishes, and share the joy with each other. When the gatherers revelled in the Christmas festivity, Professor Li made a remark that there are challenges that the faculty needs to overcome in the years ahead.
“We are facing a number of arduous tasks: the third audit cycle to be conducted by the Quality Assurance Council (QAC) under the University Grants Committee (UGC), the Planning Exercise Proposal (PEP) for the triennial period of 2025-28 and the expansion of non-local student intake quota for undergraduate programmes to 40% starting from the 2024/25 academic year. Facing these challenges, we need to be prepared to work as diligently and as smart as ever. Together, we will evolve into an even stronger team,” Professor Li said.
Take a look through the following album to learn more about FLASS.

From left to right: Dr David Chan Tse-tin, Assistant Professor and BSc(AI&EdTech) Programme Leader from the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT), Dr Song Yanjie, Associate Professor and PGDE(P) Programme Leader from MIT, Mr Kevin Yu, Ms Rayna Chen, Ms Alice Wu.

From left to right: Ms Cathy Lau, Ms Jenny Lam, Ms Janice Liu, Ms Karen Chan.

From left to right: Dr Hu Zhiyong, Acting Head of Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies (SSPS); Dr Xiao Hanyu, Assistant Professor and Programme Leader of BSocSc(SEDS) and BSocSc(PSM) from SSPS; Dr Andy Tse Choi-yeung, Associate Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Health and Physical Education; Dr Thomas Tam Cheung-on, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts.

From left to right: Professor Stephen Chui Wing-kai, Associate Dean (International Engagement); Professor Li Wai-keung, Dean of FLASS; Dr Li Wai-chin, Associate Professor from the Department of Science and Environmental Studies and Associate Registrar of Registry; Professor Daniel Chow Hung-kay, Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies); Dr Bill Yeung Chi-ho, Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Enhancement); Dr Prudence Lau Leung-kwok, Acting Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies & Student Learning).

From left to right: Dr Lee Hoi-man Sarah, Senior Lecturer II and Programme Leader of BEd(P) (General Studies/Mathematics) and BEd(S) (ICT/MA/BAFS/GEOG/SCI/PE) from the Department of Science and Environmental Studies (SES); Dr Chan Man-ho, Associate Professor and Programme Leader of PGDE(S) from SES; Dr Brian Man Yu-bon, Associate Professor and Programme Leader of BSc(IEM) from SES; Professor Keith Ho Wing-kei, Acting Head of SES.

From left to right: Mr Ming Chan, Mr Ken Tang, Mr Louis Lam, Mr Wes Yim.

From left to right: Ms Tanya Kwan, Ms Ellen Cheng, Assistant Registrar, Ms Joanna Cheng, Ms Vicky Tsoi.

From left to right: Mr Adrian So, Ms Carina Chan, Mr Tam Siu-man, Ms Winnie Cheung, Ms Elina Wong.